Crayola Colored Bubbles, $6.74 (3 pack)
Taking a cue from Zubbles, Crayola comes out with 5 colors of bubbles. Cool!
Bubble App, FREE
A super simple app that's like popping bubblewrap. Kids like.
Light-up Bubbleizer, $12

Cosmic Cat Nip Bubbles, $5
For the cat. Just an FYI - don't get these in your eye. It hurts pretty bad and you feel weird.

Bacon Bubble Buddy, $16
For the dog. Yes, its sad that I feel like I have to put a disclaimer on that.
Bubble Mower, $20

Glitter Touchabubbles, $2.99
More durable then regular bubbles, hmmm? Guess you gotta try it to believe it!

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