Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowl Tech – As discussed on CNN

A 30 second commercial is running about 3.5 million dollars.  And thanks to social media, I’d say that’s a steal.  Here’s the math:

·      111 Million People Watching Super Bowl
·      35 Million Post Favorite Ad on Facebook
·      Average Facebook User has 130 Friends
·      4.5 Billion Total Impressions
·      Total Estimated Added Value on Facebook- $18,000,000

*And this is just on the Facebook side alone!  Think about all the added value from Twitter and YouTube (especially if you leak a commercial out a little early).

*Statistics Courtesy: Venables Bell and Partners

Social Media Central Command Center (Updated from previous post)
This is the first time an event has actually set up a Social Media Command Center on-site.  Interactive agency, Raidious, is running the official super bowl Twitter, Facebook, Blog and Flickr accounts in a 2800 sq. ft. facility in Indy.  It’s set up much like a mini CNN Newsroom:

    •    Producers on the ground grabbing content
    •    Total Audience reach for Facebook and Twitter is nearing 40k – beating expectations by 800%
    •    Raidious and the Host Committee are managing 1500 interactions per day and helping a new person every two minutes on average

The Super Bowl Social Media Command Center Overview:

    •    2,800 sq. ft. facility seats up to 35
    •    Entire facility is controlled by iPad or iPhone
    •    9-screen monitor wall (over 100 sq. ft.)
    •    (6) Producer stations with 27" Apple Cinemas displays
    •    Approx. 300 sq. ft. of whiteboard space

Also - updated, Raidious has partnered with Ball State University's Emerging Technology initiative to develop customized software to better monitor tweets.

The technology, per Raidious, is “a proof of concept tool to measure and visualize Influence, Sentiment, Volume, and Topic on a geotargeted, real-time basis for the Super Bowl. This software tool allows us to see what is happening on the internet in real time in a 50 mile radius around Monument Circle.  This gives us a macro-level view of what is happening right now in a specific area-what people are talking about, where they are, how often they are talking about it, whether or not they are talking in a positive or negative tone, and how influential they are.”

Also, in terms of security Raidious team is connected. "We are connected to the event command center and the public safety command center via an alert system, and we share information regarding any potential or developing crisis situations."

Let's talk  -- Second Screen
Get accustomed to hearing this verbiage more than ever.  According to Nielson, two thirds of people watching TV are also using devices like smartphones and laptops (the second screen).  Brands are starting to take advantage of this – especially at a time like the Super Bowl.

Coke set up a Facebook page to watch two of their animated polar bears cheering for opposing teams in real-time.

GoDaddy will feature a QR code in their commercial pushing you to web content.

And with 70 commercials competing against each other -- you can bet that a number of commercials will sport hashtags in hopes to get their brand trending on Twitter – leveraging more eyeballs and hits on a multi-platform level.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool info, Katie! You are always on top of things! So, who are you rooting for? ;)



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